Scalable Tissue Imaging and Modeling
1.1 Class Introduction1.2 Parallelism1.3 Evolution of GPUs
2.1 PA Options2.2 C++ Basics, Compiling2.3 CMake, vcpkgRay Tracing Project
3.1 profiling, timers3.2 multi-threading concepts3.3 parallel architectures3.4 memoryHomework 1
4.1 c++ multithreading
5.1 CUDA APIHomework 25.2 CUDA threads5.3 memory latency5.4 thread scalability5.5 image convolutionHomework 3
6.1 Floating Point6.2 Precision Loss
7.1 CUDA-X Libraries7.2 Thrust
8.1 Shared Memory8.2 Matrix Multiplication8.3 Advanced API
9.1 MATLAB9.2 OpenCL9.3 Python (Numba)
10.1 Graphics Theory10.2 OpenGL Setup10.3 OpenGL Drawing